Many objects of every-day use that seem harmless, such as a headset, keyboard or vacuuming, are instead potential reservoirs of bacteria, exposing us to the risk of contracting diseases and infections. It is therefore important to sanitize them regularly. Let us see some examples, which also represent as many cases in which Travelsan can provide a proper hygiene .
These devices are not only a privileged vehicle for the transportation of bacteria, because they create a warm and moist environment that allows them to grow and multiply, thus exposing ears to the risk of potentially dangerous infections. In this case the advice comes from researchers at the Kasturba Medical College in India, which suggest to daily sanitize earphones and do not share them without ever clean them before and after they are rendered.
Tests at the University of Surrey have discovered bacteria of each “hosted” type on mobile phones, including Staphylococcus aureus, which usually “resides” in the nasal cavity, but which, if it penetrates into the body through a cut or a scratch, can cause boils and skin infections. It has also been proven by numerous studies that cold and flu viruses can survive on hard surfaces (just as a mobile phone) for 24 hours. The solution ? Just a light sprinkling of Travelsan to sanitize the device.
They clean carpets and rugs, but they are required to turn cleaned as well, because they may hold dirt and bacteria of all kinds. Not surprisingly researchers at Bath Spa University have discovered in them bacteria such as salmonella, while a study published in the journal Applied And Environmental Microbiology showed that these microbes so dangerous could end up being released back into the air, causing so potential infections. To eliminate any risk of infection, you should empty the dust container after each use and regularly check the condition of the filter, which can be sanitized with Travelsan.
Bags and wallets
Every time you put the bag on the table or on the ground, it becomes a vehicle for bacteria: a study conducted by scientists at the University of Mauritius which, by analyzing 145 wallets and purses, have recorded the presence of staphylococcus in 90 % of cases. The advice is to spend a spray of sanitizing even on new bags and wallets, so that they can subsequently be easily cleaned without risk of damaging them. And of course, never put your bags on the floor, especially in public places or in the bathroom.
A study of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia has discovered the presence of the ubiquitous staphylococcus on PC keyboards and laptops, with the level of bacteria ready to triple if you divide the keyboard with other people. One more reason to keep it clean every week (or every day if being shared) using a dry cloth on which Travelsan has benn spayed on.